Privacy Policy


This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") regulates the collection, processing, use and protection of data provided by users and customers (consumers) of products and services purchased on the website PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH.


1. Data Controller

PERRELET SA with registered office at Rue Bubenberg 7, 2502 Biel/Bienne (Switzerland), registered with the Registre du Commerce du Canton de Berne, with IDE/UID CHE-107.491.208.


2. Purpose of processing 

PERRELET processes personal data in conformity with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (FADP) for the following purposes:

    1. To manage and process orders and purchases made through the PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH online shop.

The fulfilment of this purpose involves: 

- Attending to the queries raised and Managing the registration of the user of the web shop. The data provided will identify the user and allow access to features, products and services that are available as a registered user.

- Manage and execute the contract of sale of the products purchased through the website, including the administration of the transaction, logistics, invoicing and user service.

- To guarantee the security of information technology and electronic transactions, avoiding fraudulent, improper or incorrect use of the website.


    2. The management of repair services related to items purchased on PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH, including logistics, and where appropriate, billing and collection.


    3. The management of the sending of information and commercial communications relating to its products, services and commercial promotions, by any means, automated or otherwise (mail, SMS, MMS, fax, Internet, telephone...) provided that prior express and unequivocal consent has been given. This data will also be used to suggest products or offers according to the profile created on the basis of the purchase history. Specifically, the products consulted while browsing the website or the products left in the shopping cart when a purchase process has not been completed.


    4. The management of participation in commercial promotions, raffles and competitions and, where appropriate, the execution and promotion of the results thereof, provided that prior express and unequivocal consent has been given.


3. Data Subject to Processing

1.- Regarding the online sale of products and services and the later delivery and/or execution of the same, the following data is collected:

Data of an identifying nature: Name and surname, ID card number, postal or e-mail addresses. Economic and/or banking data.

2.- Regarding the management of repairs related to articles purchased on PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH, including their logistics, and where applicable, their invoicing and collection, the following data is collected: 

Data of an identifying nature: Name and surname, ID number, postal or electronic addresses. Economic and/or banking data.

3.- Regarding the management of the sending of information and commercial communications, the following data are collected:

Postal and/or e-mail addresses.

Sending Commercial Information

When registering in the newsletter section, PERRELET obtains the express consent of the owners of the data for sending commercial communications of products related to the company, by e-mail or any other means.

Commercial and advertising communications may be sent by different means, according to the user's behaviour and preferences, creating profiles.

Regarding the sending of commercial advertising communications related to our products and services, and without prejudice to the need for prior consent to do so, the user of our website may at any time request to unsubscribe from receiving them, either directly through the website or through the link that, for this purpose, is attached to each commercial advertising communication that is sent.

Likewise, and in any case in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), a policy of non-disclosure of personal information to third parties for marketing purposes is maintained if a resident of this American state has requested this particular prior and voluntarily to the registration of the application. 

4.- Regarding the management of participation in commercial offers, raffles and contests and, where appropriate, the execution and promotion of the result thereof, the data provided for in the terms and conditions of each promotion, raffle, contest, etc., are collected.


4. Legitimation:

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is as follows:

  - The legal basis for managing and processing orders and purchases made through the PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH online shop is the satisfaction of legitimate business interest in the execution of a commercial contract of sale and/or lease of services, prior consent and compliance with legal obligations.

- The legal basis for the handling of the customer relationship, logistics and the invoicing and charging of repair services for items purchased on PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH is the existence of a contractual relationship as well as the fulfilment of legal obligations (e.g. regulations for invoicing obligations).

- The legal basis for sending advertising information relating to products and services to customers is based on prior consent. 

- The legal basis for sending commercial advertising communications related to products and services to customers is based on prior consent and, on occasion, legitimate interest, when data has been shared with the intention of completing a service and/or transaction.


    5. Data recipients.

The recipient of the data is PERRELET, which will use them solely and exclusively for the purposes for which they were collected.

Data is communicated in the following areas and cases: 


    - Internally: 

Personal data may be made available to other companies of the business group to which PERRELET belongs, resident in the EU, (see in order to provide a better after-sales service. 

The data will not be communicated to other companies of the group for the purpose of sending commercial information as stated in the newsletter service registration. 


    - External (third parties, external to PERRELET and its group of companies).

The data will only be passed on to third parties if there is prior consent, if it is necessary for the execution of a contractual relationship, or because of a legal obligation, (e.g.: Entities related to the management of payments  (financial, certification and authentication etc.) with the transmission of data (telecommunications) or with logistics and transport (e.g. Carriers for the delivery/return of orders) Competent Public Administrations, in the cases provided for in the Law and for the purposes defined therein (e.g. tax administration).

According to the recommendations of the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) for any transfer of personal data to third parties (e.g. for hosting purposes) that are not located in an EU/EEA country or in Switzerland, the recipient will be checked for data protection level. (You can check the Countries and territories declared as suitable at : Liste des États PFPDT (

In this regard, the use of the new set of Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) provided for in the European Commission's Implementing Decision of 4 June 2021 will be promoted, without prejudice to the adoption of additional measures, consisting of a prior risk assessment and an analysis of the recipient's position combined with the implementation of technical measures (e.g. Byok solutions).


6. What are your rights when you give your consent?

The persons concerned, as owners of their data, can exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, cancellation, limitation and portability of the processing of their data with PERRELET.

Those concerned have the following rights: 

- Access: (Art.15 RGPD and Art.8 FADP) Allows to obtain confirmation if PERRELET processes your personal data, as well as to consult your personal data included in the files of FESTINA.

- Rectification: (Art 16 RGPD and Art.5 FADP) and Allows the modification of personal data when they are inaccurate, as well as the completion of those that are incomplete.

- Opposition: (Art 21 RGPD and Art 4 FADP) You may request that your personal data not be processed. PERRELET will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defence of possible claims.

- Cancellation: (Art 17 RGPD and Art 5 FADP) Allows you to request the deletion of personal data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

- Limitation: (Art 18 RGPD and Art 12, 13 and 15 FADP) You may request the limitation of the processing of your data in the following cases:

(a) As long as the accuracy of the data is contested;

b) When the processing is unlawful, you object to the deletion of your data, and request the limitation of its use;

c) When PERRELET does not need to process your data, but you need them for the exercise or defence of claims;

d) When you have objected to the processing of your data for the fulfilment of a public interest mission or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while it is being verified whether the legitimate grounds for the processing prevail over yours.


- Portability: (Art.20 RGPD) You may receive, in electronic format, the personal data that you have provided to us and those that have been obtained from your contractual relationship with PERRELET, as well as to transmit them to another entity.

PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH customers have and may exercise their rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition to PERRELET, either by mail at , or through the following address: Rue Bubenberg, 7, 2502, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland)

In case of any questions relating to data protection, you may contact the Data Protection Officer by mail at the following address: .

If you believe that the company has not processed your personal data in accordance with applicable law or that you have not obtained satisfaction in exercising your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the national data protection authorities in your EU country of residence ( or with the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner -FDPIC- ( for Swiss residents.

For CALIFORNIA residents, please refer to point 10 of this document.


7. Retention of data.

The data related to the management and processing of orders and purchases made through the online shop PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH will be kept for as long as the contract is in force.

Once this relationship has ended, if applicable, the data may be kept for the time required by the applicable legislation and until any liabilities arising from the contract expire.

The data related to the management of repair services for items purchased on PERRELET.COM/PERRELET.CH will be kept for as long as the contract is in force.

After the end of this relationship, if applicable, the data may be kept for the time required by the applicable legislation and until the expiry of any liability arising from the contract.

The data related to the sending of information about PERRELET products or services will be kept indefinitely, until, where necessary, the interested party expresses their wish to delete them.

The data related to the participation in contests, raffles and offers will be kept for the duration of the same, according to their specific bases, in order to manage their development and, afterwards, until the possible responsibilities derived from their execution expire.


8. Additional Information

Minors: In accordance with Art 8 RGPD, the processing of personal data of minors is only lawful when they are at least 16 years of age. However, those over 13 but under 16 may also give valid consent if this is provided for by national law, and provided that it is "the holder of parental authority or guardianship over the minor who gives valid consent. There is no case in which children under the age of 13 can themselves validly consent to the processing of their data.

Updating of data:  Customers and consumers interested in PERRELET's products, services and/or its commercial promotions, must communicate, immediately, any modification of their data, so that the information held by PERRELET is at all times up to date and does not contain errors.

Links: The Website may contain links to other websites. Please note that we are not liable for the privacy and data processing of other websites. 

This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to information collected on the PERRELET Website. We recommend that you read the privacy and data processing policies of other websites to which you link from or which you visit in any other way.



California Civil Code Sections 1798.115(c), 1798.130(a)(5)(c), 1798.130(c), and 1798.140 state that organizations must disclose certain categories of information if it is collected, transferred as "consideration," or transferred to fulfill a " commercial purpose" of the organization.

Section 3 of this document outlines the categories of personal information we collect and transfer in various contexts. Please note that because this is a comprehensive list, it may refer to types of information we collect and share with people other than you. For example, while we transfer credit or debit card numbers for our commercial purposes to process payments for orders received, we do not collect or transfer credit or debit card numbers from people who submit enquiries through the "Contact Us" page of the website.

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits website users who reside in California to request certain information regarding the disclosure of personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes. 

To make such a request, please contact us at .

Also under California Civil Code Section 1798.100 et seq. of the California Civil Code, California residents have the right to:

- Request disclosure of specific categories and pieces of information collected about them;

- Request disclosure of the commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information; the categories of third parties with whom it is shared; and the categories of sources from which personal information is collected;

- Request deletion of personal information collected, subject to the limitations set forth in California Civil Code Section 1798.105(d);

- Not be discriminated against for exercising the rights guaranteed by California Civil Code Section 1798.100 et seq.

Requests for disclosure or deletion of your personal information may be made by email to